Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I think I'm in 7th grade??

    Not much happening, in 7th grade. I think I owned just about everything Tommy Hilfiger and thought I was the shit. Until, I got the proof back for the yearbook's photo! Talk about a retarded-fat-girl picture!! Yeah that's what I remember about 7th grade the most awful picture. I look like I rode the short bus and they took my helmet off just for this occasion.
     Ok so 7th grade..I have already had my first most awful French kiss and was working on my 2nd, 3rd, or 4th boyfriend?? Anyways, I got the hang of kissing, and hey, it wasn't all that bad at least then it wasn't to me. I had a really awesome boyfriend (that was super hot) that I would dump for a short guy that had 4 other girlfriends all the time! What the hell! The awesome boyfriend ended up back in my life only to be rejected once again. Why is it that the good guys get the shaft and the bad boys get the girls? What does that really say about the female specimen? Oh well life goes on I got what I deserved and I am sure Mr. Awesome got a few good laughs. Mr. Awesome is still a great guy, and we are still friends because he is just that awesome!
     And just so you know, at this age I was super shy about my 9 toes, so needless to say no flip flops or sandals.

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