Sunday, May 15, 2011


Now, I was starting kindergarten! Ms. Budd was my teacher. She seemed to be in her late 70's when she was teaching me, but then again she may have only been 50. Give me a break people I was 5. Well, I had a bit of separation anxiety that began in preschool and lasted until high school. Unfortunately for my mother she was completely embarrassed everyday until I got a hold of my life in 3rd and didn't require her assistance walking in the classroom. But back to kindergarten, Ms. Budd was the sweetest old lady and her assistant was Ms. Dorsey.  Every morning seemed like a scene from the Exorcist starring me as Reagen. During the routine tug-of-war between my mother and the teachers, I bit the shit out of Ms. Dorsey (insert apology here.) I am sure Ms. Dorsey wanted to throw my bad ass up against a wall or even better into the wall, but she didn't she sat my snotty-nosed ass in the bathroom until I could regain my composure which usually took about 2 hours.

My first grade year was a different story because I had Mrs. Grier, and she was known to spank you in the front of the class. I am really not sure if this was true or not, but I acted out in the car on the way to school with my mom and completely turned my frown upside down when I got in the classroom. Another sweet memory from 1st grade was my first crush. He was new in school and had the bluest eyes I'd ever seen. I sent him the not to check yes or no. He checked yes, and I was under his control. I remember one day while in class we were talking and Mrs. Grier made us write sentences. He advised me not to write what was supposed to be written, but instead write, "I am stupid." Not really sure what happened to him after that, but I know he had issues. Last I heard about him was something to do with jail.

Second grade wasn't much to talk about. My best friend and I had a contest to see who had the most friends, and I was disqualified because my sister's friends were on my list? I think this was the first time I wrote a hate letter using our postal service at school. Damn I was a little bitch.

Third grade- This was the first time I got in trouble for rolling my eyes. One of my classmates taught me the technique or at least that's my story and I am still sticking to it. OHHHH MY GOD! I almost forgot. This was the first time I had heard the word "pussy,"and I totally questioned a classmate who used it in a sentence towards me negatively. WOW!!  The word still is gross to me, and I have a hard time typing it!

Fourth and Fifth grade- nothing too exciting. I didn't even get my period these years. While all my friends were growing boobs and carrying pads, I was smoking my grandma and mom's cigarettes at all the family functions. Super bad ass!! I did have a boyfriend that I was afraid of kissing and eventually dumped him after a requested French kiss. I am still not all that into tongue kissing. Especially not in public. YUCK!!

Just wait until the middle school years, I  take the leap to French kissing. Total disaster, but you must wait for it!

Starting with the basics!

     I hope I am doing this correctly. If you can read this please post "Yes" or "9toes is a Goddess." I'd prefer "9toes is a Goddess." Anyways, I will begin my blog hoping to stay on track about the basics of my life and try not to venture off in "ADD-land."

I was born in Athens, GA in the best year ever 1983. I mean hell, Cyndi Lauper just came out with "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun." But I was conceived on Valentine's Day of 1983 (thanks mom for telling me so that I can think of you and dad hunching every romantic Valentine's Day.) See there I go off track. Back to the basics. My dad is probably the coolest man I know and my mom is smart as shit (and they make a pretty good lookin' couple!) Obviously the smartness was passed on to my older sister while I got all the coolness (just kidding, I got the brains and the beauty and the humor!) Damn I sound a bit conceited, but it's better to love yourself than loathe yourself. Back to the basics, my dad was in a band. Bands don't pay the bills, so mom made us move to Social Circle. Wonder what life would be like if we'd never moved to Social Circle. Oh well we moved in with my great-grandmother and eventually moved into a house in the smack dab middle of Social Circle. The house was a Florida house in Georgia (flat roof) and not much to look at, but it was home. My dad is notorious for starting something and not finishing it. I definitely got this trait. But our house was painted white and green and I am sure there were a few other colors. That's how he rolls. In our backyard we think was the original well of Social Circle. My dad discovered while driving his truck in the back yard and getting stuck. It's a wonder K.C. and I didn't discover it first. I will say the house was not an ideal house, but there are tons of memories in it. We were able to get on the roof without a ladder. My room went straight out to the deck. It had some pretty cool features. Okay, enough with the house.

Okay, so mom worked in the school system so during the day I would go to my Aunt's house and she was AWESOME! She took care of most of the neighborhood kids. When I was 4, I was ran over by a lawn mower by my older cousin. She didn't do it on purpose. I think I tried jumping on the lawnmower or either just got to close either way I am now missing my pinky toe and have some really bad ass scars on my right leg. So there you have it, the name 9-toes.  My sister would call me stubby growing up when she wanted to fight. So please refrain from referring to me as "Stubby" because my anger management class only goes so far.

Now that you have the basics, you will have to wait for my next blog to hear of my elementary years. Please be patient.